Opened September 30, 2023 - March 2, 2024
Admission is FREE
The Newberry Museum is proud to honor The Newberry City Fire Department with a special exhibit commemorating their 150th year of service to our community. The exhibit features active, volunteer and retired firefighters, the fires of downtown Newberry, original fire equipment, historic photos, and the accomplishments of the fire department and Old Joe the fire horse & Malcolm Lassane.

Photograph. The Newberry City Fire Department in front of Fire Station. 1918. Courtesy of The Newberry City Fire Department
There's a little bit of something for everyone. Families can explore the Children's Gallery that features "Sparky" the fire dog, create a Family Fire Escape Plan, read "No Dragons for Tea: Fire Safety for Kids (and dragons)" and take home a FREE Fire Helmet for kids!
Throughout the exhibit, The Newberry Museum will host special events. Watch for more information by following us on Facebook!