Join us at The Newberry Museum on Wednesday, December 18 at 6:00 PM for a presentation on Hanukkah by Giacomo Knox! Free Museum Admission. The museum will be open before the presentation for visitors to explore our newest exhibit, Festival of Trees.
Giacomo Knox was born in Newark, New Jersey. His parents divorced five years after he was born, and his mother spirited himself and his sister to suburban Seattle Washington to start a new life. In the 1980s, he pursued an English and Communications degree at Seton Hall University. During his sophomore year he enlisted in the Marine Corps Reserve, and three years later, his unit was activated, and he was sent to fight in Operation Desert Storm. After his service and his studies, he moved to Los Angeles and began his entertainment career. He has appeared in over 200 projects as a bit player, commercial actor, stunt performer, and stunt coordinator. He produced the award-winning reality TV pilot “a week with my father” which will return in podcast form in 2025. He now resides in Newberry, South Carolina, not far from where his grandparents were born.
