Join us at The Newberry Museum with guest speaker Kelly Knapp on Saturday, August 31st at 11 am or 2 pm, and explore the herbal and home remedies of the 18th and 19th centuries. Learn about medical care on the home front and how different procedures, plants, and herbs were used to treat illness. This presentation will explore the different medical procedures common in the home and in rural areas from the mid-1700s through the Civil War era.
This presentation coincides with our current exhibit, The Toll of War.
A Question & Answer session to follow immediately after.
Admission is FREE.

Hi, my name is Cassidy Myers, I’m 31 years old and right now, my life is perfect.
I have the job I want, a boyfriend who loves me, and
I am free from herpes thanks to this amazing natural solution of Dr. Herbal. Few months ago, my life fell apart.
It all started when I noticed this burning feeling “down there.“
At first, I wasn’t sure what it was, but it kept getting worse. I got these painful blisters that burst open, and the scabs just made it worse.
So, when I did a little research, I finally saw the truth…
My ex-boyfriend gave me herpes.
I was furious, I know he didn’t do it on purpose, but he definitely didn’t stop it…